
 Underpinning Theory

  • Sharpley, R., J. Sharpley (1997) Rural tourism an introduction. International Thomson Business Press, London - According to Sharpley & Sharpley (1997) explains that rural tourism also known as a wide range of regional activities, natural attractions, facilities, transportation, different amenities, marketing, and information systems that are found outside of cities. 
  • Pesonen, J., R. Komppula, C. Kronenberg, M. Peters (2011). Understanding the relationship between push and pull motivations in rural tourism. Tourism Review 66 (3), 32-49 - As stated by Pesonen, Komppula, Kronenberg, & Peters, (2011) Rural tourism provides distinct product offerings from urban tourism because rural areas are located outside of cities and allow tourists to participate in non-urban activities (e.g., hunting and jungle trekking) 
  • Oppermann, M. (1996) Rural tourism in Southern Germany. Annals of Tourism Research 23 (1), 86-102 3 - According to Oppermann (1996) The term "rural tourism" has been used interchangeably with other terms such as "agrotourism," "equestrian tourism," "hunting tourism," "rural heritage tourism," "adventure tourism," "ecotourism," and "nature-based tourism." 
